So having such a small room, there really isn't much space for a proper bookcase so to utilise the space a bit better I keep my books in various places, one of which is my window ledge.
Another place is some shoe boxes.
These are also used to store CDs, including mix tapes and the signed copy of Red that I own (very proud of that).
I also store some more in a box in my wardrobe, which is where every Harry Potter related book EVER, is kept.
The 'Door wall' is the busiest its where I have my necklaces, mirror, clock, noticed/whiteboard and 49ers scarf. American football is one of the only sports I can tolerate watching without getting bored, I got into it early 2012 and have loved it since. One of my bestfriends got me the scarf for my birthday and I almost cried with happiness when I opened it.
The 'Bed wall' is where my map of my beloved America and the part of Canada I love is and shelf full of nifty little things is. And all surrounded by fairy lights YAY. I think everyone needs fairy lights in their room, so if you have some free in the house, GET THEM UP. they make everything pretty. Also the bed I LOVE MY BED, its so comfy and cute and stuff!
On the shelf I have a bunch of Jars filled with, for lack of a better word, stuff. I have a wish jar, which is currently filled with chocolate, in which I put a star/heart for a wish or a bit of paper with the wish on it. I have pins to put stuff on walls with. I have m&ms because their tasty. I have a 'Today is the day' jar in which I put slips of papers in with my realisation of the day. And I have a Texas fund jar in which money for my summer goes! Oh and I have a bunch of vintage cameras.
I have a little mini cupboard thing which is adorable and I use this to store uselessness in and I keep necessities on top of it. I never like to throw anything away so I keep all my stuff in old cereal pots or syrup tins or jars, I highly recommend doing this as it saves having to buy thing to store other things in and it looks very nifty.
And finally wardrobe and cute hidden message.
Hope you like my room and have maybe given you a few ideas of your own ect.
Quote of the day-
"If you are lucky enough to be different, don't ever change"-Taylor Swift
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