Tuesday, 26 February 2013

School life.

Today was the first day back at school after half term. I've never been a big fan of school, when I was in year 1 I would cry when my mum left me at school because I couldn't go with her and I went through a phase in year 8 when I tried to convince her to home school me-That didn't go down well.
I think the worst days of the year are always the first day back after the holidays though, when everything has been so relaxed, some adventures have been had and then all of a sudden it feels as though you were never off school in the first place and the memory of half term is soon distant.
The only good thing that came from today is that I got my exam time table for my GCSE's (scary stuff!) and it looks pretty good:
  • There aren't too many exams-10
  • I finish 14th June-So a looong summer
  • I only have 4 after I officially leave
  • The easy ones are at the end and beginning
In all I'm not dreading it as much as I was before and I feel more relaxed about the whole exam situation!




 Quote of the day-

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”  Dr. Seuss

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Hello Friend

I made the decision a few months ago to start blogging, but I'm the type of person who puts things off for ages for the soul reason of-I can't be bothered. The reason I have now brought myself to do it is a very good friend of mine posted about her blog on instagram, and I decided to take a look, this has now inspired me to fulfill my decision.

So hello friend, you are going to meet the real me, because I'm lonely hiding away.

p.s I say 'So' a lot, I've deleted about 3 from this post alone.